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Scientific Name:


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Discovered by Sara He in the Enchanted Grove region in 2024


Sylvan and her family once lived happily together in the forest. However, the forest was degraded, and they lost their living conditions, with many of them died. Sylvan is the only survivor.


Sylvan lives in an ancient forest with rich biodiversity. However, the forest has been devastated. Sylvan and her family lost their habitat and she hopes to rebuild her home.


Initially, Sylvan appears as a small, translucent being. Her body can undergo a transformation, gradually turning green in the sunshine. Her ears can also change color.

Key Characteristics:

  • Has the ability to change its transparency in the sunshine
  • Grows in size as she collects forest-related items
  • Can leave behind footprints of various shapes when walking along the road
  • Can change the color of her ears

What do we know so far about the creature?

Sylvan woke up in the forest, not remembering anything. She saw plants that seemed familiar and decided to explore. She collected forest stuff like flowers and berries, and put them back where they belonged. As she did this, she started remembering bits and pieces. She found out she could make different footprints and turn green in the sun. Even her ears could change color, but she had forgotten about these abilities when she woke up. Later, she found a letter and discovering that she and her family were once part of the elfin community that lived in the forest, now endangered due to deforestation. She was the only one left. By returning everything to the forest, she remembered who she was and got her powers back. Now, she's going to rebuild her home here.

Guidelines for human interaction with this creature

Be Quiet and Friendly: Sylvan is sensitive to its surroundings, so be quiet and friendly when approaching to avoid scaring it. Please patiently guide its movement